Selling Points to Promote Your Timber Renovation Business

Posted on: 8 March 2018


As a new renovation contractor, creating a niche in the timber construction industry for your new business can be fulfilling, both businesswise and at a personal level. However, if you have decided to specialise in timber wall frames, you must be ready to answer tough questions from clients. There has been and continues to be a debate regarding the best material for wall framing, between timber and steel. To most clients, the fact that steel is well known for its structural strength makes it the go-to material for framing needs. It is up to you to debunk some of the misconceptions about timber framing. This post provides some important talking points that will help change clients' mind.

Fire-Resistance Capabilities -- One undeniable fact, even to contractors, is that natural wood is prone to fire. With most parts of Australia experiencing bushfires several times a year, it is no surprise that homeowners opt to shun timber framing for their houses. As a contractor, admitting to this fact portrays your honesty. However, since you are looking to promote your timber framing business, you need not stop at that. Follow up your admittance by mentioning that contractors today use timber that is, to a reasonable extent, fire resistant. You need to give examples of bushfire resistant timber such as Blackbutt, Spotted Gum, and River Redgum. By providing clients with such details, they can do their research to ascertain your claims. It, in turn, helps build confidence and trust on the part of the customers.

Sturdy Brackets -- The first thing that comes to mind for most homeowners when you mention timber framing is the annoying squeaking sound. True, timber joints do produce squeaking noises, but only when the joints are not properly secured. If you lean on such a wall, you will feel it moving and squeak under your weight. Therefore, clients need assurances that your work will not be a nuisance to their quiet environment. By mentioning the types of quality brackets you use on timber joints, clients will most likely be interested in listening to what you have to say with regards to timber framing. Since sturdy brackets firmly secure joints in place, they are an excellent pitching point where new contractors can start from.

Flexibility -- If there is one thing that homeowners love, it is having options in the design of their homes. The flexibility is offered by timber framing, which can be a selling point to clients. To get their attention, start by mentioning the design possibilities of timber framing arising from the fact that walls are not made from solid timber. Therefore, customers who want to have different materials on the inside or outside of the walls can use timber framing. For instance, you can tell customers that it is possible to have drywall on the inside and stone on the outside.