How to Make Shower Re-Grouting Easier

Posted on: 12 March 2018


People with older homes can find themselves faced with the reality that they need to re-grout their showers in order to prevent water from damaging the walls behind the tiles. This article discusses some suggestions that you should implement so that the project is easier to execute.

Get an Electric Grout Remover

Over time, grout hardens. It can therefore be extremely tedious to remove it with ordinary grout removal tools. One way to ease this task is by buying an electric version of the grout remover. This tool will quickly drill through the layers of the grout between the tiles in your shower. You will therefore be able to complete this phase of the project in a shorter time than you would have completed it if you had skimped on tools and bought a manual grout remover.

Buy Premixed Grout

Grout dries and hardens in a short time, such as half an hour. Your shower re-grouting project is likely to take a few hours. Pausing in order to mix fresh grout can prolong the duration of the project even further. Avoid such a hassle by buying grout that is already mixed. You will the take a shorter time to replenish the supply in the container that you are using as you re-grout your shower.

Gather Appropriate PPE

Some homeowners find the task of re-grouting a shower very difficult because they don't have the foresight to get all the protective equipment that can shield them from all the debris that will be flying or floating around as they work. Buy a dust mask, goggles and rubber gloves. These items will protect you from the harm and inconveniences that you can suffer when your body is exposed to the dust and particulates that are released during the different phases of the work.

Ensure Adequate Ventilation

Ventilation is also important if the project is to be less taxing on you. Keep all the windows and doors open as you work. It is also prudent to start the fan and leave it running throughout the project. This ventilation will help to get rid of the dust generated quickly so that visibility isn't hampered while you work. The task of cleaning up after the project will also be easier in case most of the dust was expelled from the work site by the ventilation measures that you instituted.

The best way to avoid having to re-grout your shower at shorter intervals is by taking adequate steps, such as using neutral cleaners, to maintain the condition of that grout. Discuss the other measures that you can take to safeguard the grout from premature deterioration with an experienced contractor