Commercial Buildings: Three Practical Tips for Expanding Your Structure

Posted on: 13 March 2018


If you are planning on expanding your small commercial building, you must be diligent in planning your project. Typically, expansion requires a lot of financial resources, expertise, physical labour and time. If your decisions are wrong, your business could end up with significant losses, or your added structure will not deliver the expected benefits. Here are some practical tips to help you promote success during your expansion work.

Understand Your Design Options

You should understand the best design options for your building expansion. There are numerous factors that you must address for ideal success. The most critical of these issues is the purpose of the new wing of the building. For instance, your design requirements for additional space for your business will be different from an expansion intended for use as rental space for other companies. You should also think about the long-term needs in terms of space and aesthetic appeal.

It is important to enlist the services of an experienced consulting engineering firm for your project. These experts provide a wide range of services related to commercial building design. You will get professional assistance in creating a space which is both attractive and useful for your functions. In addition, the structural engineers will review the design and confirm whether the building will be strong and durable after construction.

Consider Your Budget

You should calculate the financial demands of the expansion project with care to avoid unexpected surprises. Often, businesses and individuals underestimate the amount of money required for building expansions. As a result, there are unexpected costs which remain unaccounted for during the initial budget. You should have your consulting engineering firm to perform a feasibility investigation. This process will help you determine if you can proceed with the project without endangering your company's financial health. Also, you should discuss the possible options for cost reduction. For example, you might be able to reduce your total expenses by simplifying the design of the new wing or choosing inexpensive materials.

Know the Permit Requirements

When you make a decision to proceed with the construction project, you should check the permit requirements in your local area. You must comply with the regulations and rules on commercial buildings to avoid legal problems. It is advisable to apply for your permit in time because you cannot afford to proceed without the approval. You should note that you understand and take into account the building codes involving structural soundness, fire safety and occupant health. You should ensure these are followed to avoid future legal disputes.

For more information, contact local consulting engineers.