Three Practical Tips for Maintaining Your Commercial Data Cabling

Posted on: 16 March 2018


Proper maintenance of your data cabling is essential for the efficient performance of the commercial computer network. Often, a small malfunction of the cabling can compromise data transmission, compromising productivity in the business. Fortunately, most problems can be prevented through proper handling of the cables and correct upkeep practices. Here are practical tips to help you ensure that your network cabling performs exceptionally.

Clean the Cable Connectors

Commercial data cables should be protected from dust, debris and grime for optimal functionality. In general, if dirt settles on the cable connectors in your network, the transmission process for your data will be compromised. It is not uncommon for businesses to face a seemingly unsolvable network problem which can be traced back to dirty cable connectors. Therefore, you should take time to check the condition of these elements and clean them if there is accumulated dirt. Blowing on the connectors can help you get rid of most of the settled dust. However, it is advisable to obtain specialty cleaning supplies for data cabling for the best results.

Check the Cables for Bends

You should check your commercial data cables for bends on a regular basis. Typically, when the network cables in your data centre are handled poorly, they will bunch up and become twisted together. This occurrence can cause a lot of mishaps in your operations. In simple terms, the tangled wires can be difficult to manage during repairs. Also, if bends develop along delicate cables such as fibre optic cabling, the conduit could sustain permanent damage. This means that the data transmission will be compromised and your network will not function as expected. You should make sure that none of your cables are bent and twisted, and you should consider implementing a cable management solution that prevents tangling.

Monitor the Electrical Power

You should monitor the power or electrical current levels in your building as part of your data cabling maintenance schedule. In general, data cables are designed to transmit data signals with the assistance of electrical power. Therefore, if the power does not flow at the expected rate, your network will not function at optimal levels. You should particularly check the level of power flowing through your cables at different connection points using a power metre. In most cases, if there is insufficient or abnormal power flowing through the connections, the culprit is a damaged cable. The problem can be resolved by replacing the faulty conduit. If this does not solve the power anomalies in your network, consult an experienced electricians.