Blown-In Insulation—Why It Makes an Impeccable Solution for Your Home

Posted on: 19 March 2018


A critical part of residential construction is selecting the right type of insulation that will boost energy conservation in your new home. However, considering the wide selection of choices available, it can be difficult for the average person to know what will work best for the Australian climate if they have never had any experience with insulation installation. Although basing your decision on cost seems logical, bear in mind that the long-term performance of your insulation will play a significant role in the household costs of your home. Therefore, it is critical to choose an alternative that offers you a reduction in your long-term energy expenditure. One such option is blown-in insulation. The following article highlights some reasons why blown-in insulation makes an impeccable solution for your home.

Blow in insulation has astounding energy performance

A characteristic of blown-in insulation that makes it superior to other forms in the market is its astonishing energy performance. What you may not know about blown-in insulation is that it provides a much more airtight seal as compared to other insulation alternatives. In addition to this, the material that is used comprises minuscule particles, which allows the insulation to permeate even the smallest crevices and spaces in your home. As a result, your residence is less likely to be affected by drafts and air leaks. Another reason why blown-in insulation has incredible energy performance is the fact that it can be used to insulate piping, beams and any other oddly shaped structural elements in your home—not to mention that it can easily be used to insulate weirdly shaped spaces, too! Overall, you are assured of thorough coverage, and this will significantly increase the energy efficiency of your residence.

Blown-in insulation utilises eco-friendly supplies

Another incredible benefit that blown-in insulation accords your home is that only environmentally friendly materials are employed, which makes your insulation installation a green project. Two main types of supplies can be used as the primary material for blown-in insulation. The first option you could choose is fibreglass. Fibreglass may not sound biodegradable, but it is an eco-friendly material, as it is produced using sand and recycled glass. Since sand is an abundant natural resource and the recycled glass is not ending up in landfills, fibreglass is inadvertently great for the environment. The second material that you could consider for your blown-in insulation is cellulose, which is a plant-based supply and does not pose the risk of environmental degradation, either!