How to choose the right drilling team

Posted on: 27 April 2018


Do you need to hire a drilling contractor? Drilling can be a challenging operation and you need to be sure that the team you hire are the best possible choice for your operation. Successful completion of your drilling operation will mean dealing with the rock and soil conditions in your location and any specific challenges posed by the site, so your must talk through these challenges with the drilling contractors.

Choosing the right team

To select the best contractor from all the drilling companies available, you will have to explain the project to each candidate in turn and work out which is the best fit. No two drilling locations are exactly the same to work in, so the prospective drilling contractors must be sure that they understand the local conditions and will have access to all of the equipment and skilled staff that they will need to complete the job. 

Choosing the right techniques

Has the contractor drilled in similar locations in the past, how did those operations go? Find out what techniques they will employ to drill to the required depth. Will they need to take any precautions because of the prevailing soil or rock conditions? Finding out how they usually complete drilling operations like yours can give you a clear picture of whether they are a good choice for your job.

Accessing the right equipment

Having the right experience is good, but unless they have the right equipment to complete the job it doesn't count for much. Discuss with your drilling contractors what equipment they will need and whether they will have access to that equipment for the entire duration of the drilling operation. Find out if they will need soldier piers, bored piers or an excavator mounted drill for your job. Make sure that anything they need will be on site when you need it, and isn't going to vanish part-way through the job to help finish another contract.

Applying the right standards

Whichever contractor you choose, they must have all the appropriate licenses for the work they will undertake for you. Remember to ask them for proof that all their work will be undertaken safely by qualified personnel.

Talking in detail to prospective drilling contractors is the best way to make sure that you choose the right team for your drilling operations. To get started, contact companies like Rock On Ground and tell them about your project.