3 Ways to Enlarge Your Business Lungs in This Fast-Paced World

Posted on: 17 July 2019


The business world is fast-paced today, and it's hard to manoeuvre in it without a good voice and data system. Installing these systems involves cutting cables, drilling and attaching jacks and that's why some people find it an expensive task. It also involves connecting your business fax, printer, telephone and PC to the technology world to enhance profitability, productivity and customer service. Contact a competent general contractor to run voice and data cabling on your business building. See what you should do when installing the voice and data system:

Plan Well

Improper cabling hurts your network, and this can later jeopardise your business in a big way. It's hard to operate a company or business without network and voice systems in a world where technology is evolving continually. The future of your business isn't guaranteed without such systems. An expert in this field or a contractor will help you get cables with the right specifications for the project.

Cables with higher specifications last longer, and they are multipurpose. For instance, Cat6 and Cat6A are the current standard data cables in the market, and they support data of about 1000 Mbps. Choose quality voice and data cables to enhance the growth of your business, extend the cables' lifespan and avoid re-cabling your business a few years later.

Avoid Shortcuts During Installation

Installing voice and data systems in your business premise isn't a cheap project. However, don't cut corners to reduce the installation costs since this would cost you more a few days to come. Besides getting the right cables and other items, contact an expert in data and voice systems to install the system. Cheap cable boxes are appealing to most people, but they come with some serious ramifications. The cabling solution shouldn't just be good but also long-lasting. Installation experts choose high-quality network equipment such as firewalls, routers and switches to make the voice and data system in your business more efficient.

Test the System

An expert in data cabling should inspect and test the installed infrastructure based on the cabling specifications, especially when moving. Testing the system helps to affirm that the end-to-end solutions installed are certified. Ask the experts for result printouts to know whether the cables meet the required specifications. Connecting the cables isn't enough; let an expert test the system to affirm it's functional and in good shape. Besides having indisputable experience in voice and data cabling, the expert should also offer an installation warranty.

Some people blame the network whenever they have connectivity issues while the main culprit is poor cabling and infrastructure. Firms and companies use it to stay connected to their suppliers and customers and also to keep crucial information about their business transactions. Don't always assume that the cables are good because the system connects when you plug in something. Involve an experienced contractor when buying and installing voice and data infrastructure and also when testing it.